
January 11, 2012

Welcome to the End Times Watch website.

This website exists in order to bring together an awareness of news and events in the world which are related to the End Times.

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Dept of Homeland Security monitors Facebook, Twitter and news sites for ‘situational awareness’

February 4, 2012

The US Department of Homeland Security’s command center routinely monitors dozens of popular websites, including Facebook, Twitter, Hulu, WikiLeaks and news and gossip sites including the Huffington Post and Drudge Report, according to a government document.

A ‘privacy compliance review’ issued by DHS last November says that since at least June 2010, its national operations center has been operating a ‘Social Networking/Media Capability’ which involves regular monitoring of ‘publicly available online forums, blogs, public websites and message boards.’

These include social networking sites Facebook and My Space – though there is a parenthetical notice that My Space only affords a ‘limited search’ capability – and more than a dozen sites that monitor, aggregate and enable searches of Twitter messages and exchanges.


FBI Nationwide Facial Recognition Service

January 19, 2012

“The FBI in mid-January will activate a nationwide facial recognition service in select states that will allow local police to identify unknown subjects in photos.”

The federal government is embarking on a multiyear, $1 billion dollar overhaul of the FBI’s existing fingerprint database to more quickly and accurately identify suspects, partly through applying other biometric markers, such as iris scans and voice recordings.

Often law enforcement authorities will “have a photo of a person and for whatever reason they just don’t know who it is [but they know] this is clearly the missing link to our case,” said Nick Megna, a unit chief at the FBI’s criminal justice information services division. The new facial recognition service can help provide that missing link by retrieving a list of mug shots ranked in order of similarity to the features of the subject in the photo.

This news is not new as it can be dated back to Oct 2011, however it is now mid-January, which is of course now a little worrying as this system will now be in use.

Read More at: FBI Facial Recognition

Going Back in Time: Internet Black Out in 2012?

January 18, 2012

Remember what it was like, way back in 2000?

No Wikipedia (launched in 2001), No WordPress (founded in 2003), No Reddit (founded in 2005).

Take a trip back in time beginning 12 a.m. on Weds 18th, when Wikipedia’s English-language site and a host of other websites will black out for 12 to 24 hours in protest of two pending bills that advocates of Internet openness say will promote censorship.

The blackout was organized by several groups, including the nonprofit Fight for the Future, which supports freedom of expression on the Internet.

Sponsors of the two bills, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect Internet Property Act (PIPA) have said that they are aimed at protecting revenues that can be hard to keep a firm grasp on in the age of digital file sharing.

A host of Internet bigwigs plan to show support for the protests without blocking access to their sites, including Mozilla, with this Protect the Internet page, and Google, which told CNet that it plans to “highlight this issue on our U.S. homepage.”

End of the World in December 2012 ?

January 11, 2012

Apparently, the world is going to end on December 21st, 2012. Yes, in some way, shape or form, the Earth (or at least a large portion of humans on the planet) will cease to exist. Stop planning your careers, don’t bother buying a house, and be sure to spend the last part of your life doing something you always wanted to do but never had the time. Now you have the time, 12 months of time, to enjoy yourselves before… the end.

So what is all this crazy talk? We’ve all heard these doomsday predictions before, we’re still here, and the planet is still here, why is 2012 so important? Well, the Mayan calendar stops at the end of the year 2012, churning up all sorts of religious, scientific, astrological and historic reasons why this calendar foretells the end of life as we know it. The Mayan Prophecy is gaining strength and appears to be worrying people in all areas of society. Forget Nostradamus, forget the Y2K bug, forget the credit crunch, this event is predicted to be huge and many wholeheartedly believe this is going to happen for real. Planet X could even be making a comeback.

But, can it all really be true? Not according to NASA. It’s a fraud.

2012: The Year Your Privacy Will REALLY Be Invaded

January 11, 2012

Big Brother Computer

2011 was pretty innovative when it came to technology. We’ve seen the rise of the tablet, UltraBook, LTE, and the launch of Google Plus. Silicon Valley has had a very busy year, but what can we expect for 2012? According to Gawker? Large scale attacks on our privacy.

One thing currently in the pipeline for the year of the supposed apocalypse is the Facebook Phone which will have the social network integrated at the core of its being. According to AllThingsD, the phone will include a satellite location tracker, sound and video sensors, as well as the names and contact information of your loved ones, who you call, when and how often. Facebook will be just like the Big Brother you never wanted.

2012 will also see further implementation of Google Wallet, a payment system that allows you to purchase goods by tapping your Android phone against a checkout terminal. This tool is already available in select outlets, however, Googles want to get it rolled-out across the nation, and gather as many bank details as they can from users.

Apple will also make waves in 2012 with some new iPhone technology. Steve Jobs’ company also wants to transform your iPhone into your front door key with remote iPhone authentication. This means that the device will always know when you are/aren’t home.

Finally, Gawker suggests that Drone technology will be more commonly used in the coming year, as both Facebook and Google may plan to buy into the remote controlled sky robots. Their use? Just imagine real-time Google Maps. Your friendly-neighborhood-stalker will no longer need to hide behind a bush, in the cold, with binoculars.